Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A NEW YEAR and ahh a new oppurtunity for... well you tell me!

Ok those who know me will know I'm not one to shy away from a new year, in fact the inner planner in me screams out at the chance of fresh starts and experiences to come. Therefore it should come as no surprise i'm awaiting tomorrow night with what one could only call frenzied excitement... ok there are probably more honest labels for my waiting but thats the most dignified.
I can't quite pinpoint the reason behind the momentous expectation and worldwide hope for the days to come, what it is that makes that tomorrow more special then any other. Is it the parties, the celebrating and coming together of friends laughing at the exploits of the moments gone by, the infamous countdown and the hope of ringing in the new year with a smile (or person if you fancy) on your lips? In part I must admit, but there's something more i'm sure of it. A certain magic, a undeniable hope and the completely unrealistic resolutions that this year you swear you'll see through. For me I guess it's thought of the 365 days ahead(or 366 if you're really lucky)to catch that dream, laugh till I cry or simply smile for any reason at all. Of the adventures yet to come, of becoming that one year wiser, of making the memories that i'll smile at this time next year, and cliched as it may be the friends and amazing people i've yet to meet. Sure, there's nothing stopping tomorrow (the last day of the year) being the day this all comes to fruitation but as a human i tend to like set timelines, so a new year is a fresh start like no other - in fact a new decade, an even more impressive beginning!
So here's to the minutes, days and months to come that we'll smile at come the end of 2010..
HAPPY NEW YEAR MATIES!! May it be all you hope it will. (and dont forget to get some mikados).

OK today's blog may be a little...cheesy, but hey its new years, don't blame me, blame the season ;) Talk to you in the new year,

Daisy Rock.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The simple things that make this life great

With a world so full of things waiting to entertain us at the push of a button, for a certain price of course, i can't help but wonder if I should take more time for the simple things. Wise old people and musicians are always telling us to take more time for the little things that make us smile, for the things that collectively make this world one worth living in. So this week I set off to see what it really was that made me happy and i both surprised and contradicted myself.

Music - cd mixes are better than chocolate! And on this topic, I love listening to the radio, especially if i'm alone at home turning it on is like having a whole party of people over, my favourite tunes for free plus random conversations is a mega good plan in my book - u never know what useless info u might pick up

Traveling, its the most exciting, scary and trully brilliant thing in the world, I'm a traveller/adventurer through and through and probably always will be..its a fresh start like nothing else, and although i love coming home, i can't imagine ever stopping being curious about the places i've never been..finding a new place, new people and all the excitement that comes with it, nothing like it... it feels like anything could happen.

My mates, and the madder the better, amazing how well they can cheer you up and have you laughing so hard it actually begins to hurt.

Picnics,i don't know why but food just tastes so much better!

Msn/facebook/emails but letters and real conversations are better....

My dog - hudini back from the dead i swear..

Guys.. enough said :)

Books and Movies (there something magical about them)

Fires - no i'm not a pyro, the roaring log kind u find in a grate..

Photographs - the moments they capture are priceless, and one of the few things that gain value the longer you have them.

Gigs/concerts - some say i have an addiction, they would probably be right...

Oh South Africa of course - being south african that shouldn't be surprising....and no unfortunetely I haven't lived in a hut or eaten bugs, sorry to ruin the illusion...

Snacks, speaking of which..I found stuffing myself full of chocolate and icecream did indeed lead to a couple of moments of bliss, but spending the day eating healthily and going for a run gave me a sense of accomplishment.

Laughing.. laughing is the food for the soul and all that!

And cheesy i know but - nature (hiking camping swimming lying in the grass anything)

I had the most interesting conversations with people, both contemplating life deepest mysterys and drivvling on about complete hilarious nonsense and found myself smiling at the end of both.

Planning was a shocking one, i hadn't realised how much better i felt after sitting down and writing up a to-do list or plan for the rest of the week.

Writing, i love it. It makes everything seem so much more in control and wonderful, spending half an hour writing nothing of any interest is my equivalent to a drug, mood altering.

Being in the rain, always makes me want to sing.

Swimming in the sea (or in the pool but not quite the same),

Going To The Movies, or sitting at home with a dvd with the fire lit.

Getting Mail.

Getting Lost (but only fun with others - just scary on your own!).

Frisbee till it hits u in the head.

So yes, a lot of these things are completely free and often over looked so maybe, just maybe, money is a little over-rated (athough it certainly does help).
Although there is no way I can promise to always appreciate these small pleasures i do swear to try.

Now go roll down a hill, it'll bring out your inner child and have you giggling like a mad hatter.

Daisy Rock.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Coffee tea and running out of words..

I been thinking all day as to what could possibly be a suitable subject for my 2nd Blog. Ideas so far - ahhh..... since when do i run out of words?
Since now apparently.
Well, as i do not want to clog this up with useless nonsense (or too much of it anyway) i'm going to just leave you with this qoute:

"Coffee is not my cup of Tea"

Mmmm, not in the slight bit helpfull but it makes me laugh and if it did the same for you then it was a sentence worth writing.
Oh well there you go, I somehow managed to write this blog after all.
Next time I promise more sense, or at least a topic,

Daisy Rock.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Its been my news year's resolution for many a year and yet it's taken up till this very minute to start.
Funny that. I mean just a minute ago i was going about my daily business of proscrastination and putting off homework and now i'm part of this big wide world of bloggers, a thought both scary and exciting all at once.
Noone may read this, or maybe a few will - either way i have a feeling this might just hit my list of addications...just below biscuits and above googling.
Well, i will do my best to amuse and enlighten or at the very least not bore to tears and maybe one day i'll look back on this night as the start of something amazing.
Or maybe I'll have forgotton all about it by the new year.
Till next time,

Dasiy Rock.