Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A NEW YEAR and ahh a new oppurtunity for... well you tell me!

Ok those who know me will know I'm not one to shy away from a new year, in fact the inner planner in me screams out at the chance of fresh starts and experiences to come. Therefore it should come as no surprise i'm awaiting tomorrow night with what one could only call frenzied excitement... ok there are probably more honest labels for my waiting but thats the most dignified.
I can't quite pinpoint the reason behind the momentous expectation and worldwide hope for the days to come, what it is that makes that tomorrow more special then any other. Is it the parties, the celebrating and coming together of friends laughing at the exploits of the moments gone by, the infamous countdown and the hope of ringing in the new year with a smile (or person if you fancy) on your lips? In part I must admit, but there's something more i'm sure of it. A certain magic, a undeniable hope and the completely unrealistic resolutions that this year you swear you'll see through. For me I guess it's thought of the 365 days ahead(or 366 if you're really lucky)to catch that dream, laugh till I cry or simply smile for any reason at all. Of the adventures yet to come, of becoming that one year wiser, of making the memories that i'll smile at this time next year, and cliched as it may be the friends and amazing people i've yet to meet. Sure, there's nothing stopping tomorrow (the last day of the year) being the day this all comes to fruitation but as a human i tend to like set timelines, so a new year is a fresh start like no other - in fact a new decade, an even more impressive beginning!
So here's to the minutes, days and months to come that we'll smile at come the end of 2010..
HAPPY NEW YEAR MATIES!! May it be all you hope it will. (and dont forget to get some mikados).

OK today's blog may be a little...cheesy, but hey its new years, don't blame me, blame the season ;) Talk to you in the new year,

Daisy Rock.

1 comment:

  1. oh my dear. how can you write so brilliantly. your words are so well chosen and thoughtful. Ah, what a refreshing read. I am jealous too though- you're amazing.
